AriaMx SYBR Green Starter Pack

The AriaMx SYBR Green Starter Pack is part of Agilent’s qPCR plastics and accessories, providing starter packs and accessories for many Agilent cDNA synthesis kits and products. Starter packs include cDNA synthesis kits and recommended plastics.

The AriaMx real-time PCR system is a fully integrated quantitative PCR amplification, detection, and data analysis system. The instrument can hold up to six optics modules and provides a closed-tube PCR detection format that can be used with many fluorescence detection chemistries including SYBR Green and EvaGreen dyes.


  • Provides starter packs and accessories for many Agilent cDNA synthesis kits and products
  • Can be used with many fluorescence detection chemistries including SYBR Green
  • Starter packs include cDNA synthesis kits and recommended plastics.

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