Bioanalyzer DNA Analysis

Perform highly accurate and precise DNA electrophoresis with the Bioanalyzer DNA analysis solutions. Together with the 2100 Bioanalyzer instrument, the DNA kits enable the analysis of next-generation sequencing libraries and high resolution multiplex PCR reactions, measuring precise size and concentration of all DNA fragments and smears. A large linear dynamic range allows detection of small impurities in PCR purifications.

Besides sample quality control of next-generation sequencing (NGS) libraries, additional research applications for the Bioanalyzer DNA assays include PCR amplicon analysis, multiplex PCR amplicons, gene expression analysis by RT-PCR, restriction fragment analysis, and the detection of targeted cleavage in gene editing studies.


  • High Sensitivity from laser (LIF) detection of DNA fragments down to 0.1 ng.
  • The broad linear dynamic range allows the detection of weak bands without saturation from abundant fragments.
  • Sizing and quantitation accuracy and reproducibility results from pre-packaged reagents, standardized assays and automated data analysis.
  • Minimal sample consumption is required as only 1 µL is needed for the assay, saving precious material for downstream experiments.
  • Fast results are provided, with the analysis of 12 samples performed in only 30 minutes (approximately).
  • Safety is ensured with minimal exposure to hazardous materials, such as ethidium bromide, as only minimal reagents are used.

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