Bioanalyzer High Sensitivity DNA Analysis

High Sensitivity DNA electrophoresis with the Bioanalyzer system enables improved quality control analysis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) library smears derived from just a few amplification cycles. Whether fragmented DNA or DNA sequencing libraries, the Bioanalyzer High Sensitivity DNA Kit reliably sizes and quantifies limited samples in the lower pg/µL concentration range.

The High Sensitivity DNA assays are often used for sample quality control for next-generation sequencing libraries. In addition, PCR amplicon analysis, multiplex PCR amplicons, gene expression analysis by RT-PCR, restriction fragment analysis, and detection of targeted cleavage in gene editing studies may all be carried out. Accuracy is ensured with a broad linear dynamic range and normalization to internal markers and ladder.


  • Increased sensitivity for DNA analysis, down to 5 pg/µL for fragment analysis or 100 ng/uL for complex DNA samples, such as NGS libraries.
  • A broad linear dynamic range that allows the detection of less abundant PCR products.
  • Accurate smear analysis within a specified size range of interest.
  • Enhanced sizing accuracy, normalized to internal markers and external ladder.
  • Quantitation accuracy and reproducibility calculated against precise internal standards.
  • Minimal sample consumption is required as only 1 µL of sample is needed for analysis.
  • Minimal exposure to hazardous materials, such as ethidium bromide, ensures safety.
  • Achieve improved quality control analysis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) library smears derived from just a few amplification cycles.

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