Bioanalyzer Small RNA Analysis

Small RNA electrophoresis with the 2100 Bioanalyzer System allows separation and quantitation measurements of challenging RNAs, such as microRNA and exosomes, sized below 200 nt and are often present in limited abundance. The Bioanalyzer Small RNA assay provides a fast and sensitive analysis to resolve small nucleic acid samples in the size range of 6 to 150 nt.

In addition, the Bioanalyzer Small RNA assay is ideally suited for quality control of guide RNAs. In CRISPR/Cas workflows the synthesis of guide RNA (gRNA) is a key component for successful genome editing. gRNA created by in vitro transcription and purified may be run on the 2100 Bioanalyzer system and inspected for sizing, yield, impurities, and secondary structures.


  • High-resolution analysis, with a sizing range from 6 to 150 nucleotide, allows for the separation of miRNA smears from tRNA.
  • Minimal sample consumption. Only use as little as 50 pg of purified miRNA or 10 ng of total RNA for analysis in 1 µL volume.
  • A faster and more sensitive alternative to agarose and polyacrylamide gels analysis for the detection of small RNA.
  • Compatibility with multiple sample types enables analysis of total RNA, fractionated, or synthetic samples.

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