Brilliant III Probe MM with ROX

Brilliant III qPCR Master Mixes with low/high ROX passive reference dye improve overall sensitivity and speed via quick-activating hot start and engineered Taq-mutant. Brilliant III ultrafast maintains amplification efficiency, R2, dynamic range, and detection sensitivity. Shortens total cycling time by ~60%.

Resistant to common qPCR inhibitors such as whole blood, humic acid, and NaCl. Optimized fast cycling formulation ensures reliable and reproducible data with shorter run times. Pre-blended formulations are compatible with any sequence-specific probe detection chemistry.


  • Improved overall sensitivity and speed via quick-activating hot start and engineered Taq-mutant
  • Maintains amplification efficiency, R2, dynamic range, and detection sensitivity
  • Shortens total cycling time by ~60%
  • Reliable, reproducible data with shorter run times.

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