Kb DNA Ladder

The Supercoiled DNA Ladder contains fragments from 2 kb to 10 kb at 1-kb increments and an additional band at 12 kb. The Kb DNA Ladder contains fragments from 1 kb to 10 kb at 1-kb increments, as well as bands at 250 bp, 500 bp, 750 bp, 1500 bp and 12 kb.

The bands at the ladder’s upper end are brighter than those at the lower end, with the transition to higher intensity at the 2-kb band serving as a useful reference point. Each fragment contains a 5′ overhang (TTAA) that can be radiolabeled using Stratagene’s KinAce-It™ kinasing kit or the Klenow Fill-In Kit. DNA fragments may also be detected via nonradioactive Southern blot analysis by incorporating fluoresceinated nucleotides into the DNA prior to electrophoresis and using the Illuminator Chemiluminescent Detection System.


  • Fragments are exact multiples or fractions of 1000 bp
  • Includes useful reference point for determining the location
  • More economical than comparable markers
  • Easy radiolabeling of the ladder
  • A known mass amount of each fragment for DNA quantitation

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