The Agilent NGS FFPE QC kit is a qPCR-based assay that enables functional DNA quality assessment of input DNA prior to the preparation of next-generation sequencing (NGS) libraries. The formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue QC Kit enables assessment of the integrity of DNA. It also ensures accurate quantitation of an amplifiable template going into library preparation.

Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue represents a valuable sample source for molecular cancer research but is highly challenging to analyze. Our FFPE DNA NGS QC helps achieve this, enhancing research and analysis efficiency. In addition, optimizations to the SureSelectxt workflows based on the sample quality score are enabled.


  • A powerful qPCR-based assay that enables functional DNA quality assessment of input DNA prior to the preparation of NGS libraries.
  • Efficiently assess both DNA integrity and accurate quantitation of amplifiable templates prior to library preparation.
  • Accurately qualify and quantify amplifiable DNA in challenging formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue samples.
  • Includes an optimized low input library prep workflow for improved complexity and target coverage.
  • It provides complete cancer research solutions from sample to data.
  • Includes a full qPCR-based QC and Quant kit with reagents for processing 16 samples, including reference and standard DNAs in triplicate.

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