Eppendorf Conical Tubes 15 mL and 50 mL

No Compromise! The Eppendorf Conical Tubes 15 and 50 mL meet the highest demands of diverse laboratory applications. The outstanding quality and specifications make them ideally suited for cell biology applications as well as for sample preparation protocols in microbiology and molecular biology laboratories.

Product Information

The Conical Tubes 15 mL and 50 mL extend the volume range of the Eppendorf Tubes®. Safe design and easy handling ensure best sample processing. They represent the optimal solution for cell culture and cell biology applications as well as for sample preparation protocols in microbiology and molecular biology laboratories. Whether centrifugation, mixing, or other applications – the Eppendorf Conical Tubes 15 mL and 50 mL will complete your workflows in an excellent way.

Eppendorf Conical Tubes 15 mL and 50 mLNew cap design: flattened and grooved sides

› supports a User-friendly, ergonomic handling (easy opening/closing) and one-handed operation
› enables a stable upright positioning and thus minimizes contamination risk
› high-quality material and precision molding ensures a high tightness and minimizes sample loss.

Eppendorf Conical Tubes 15 mL and 50 mLHigh centrifugation stability

enables shorter centrifugation times and ensures high safety for samples, user and equipment. For details see Application Note 343: Performance comparison of Eppendorf Conical Tubes: cap tightness, centrifugation stability and leachable levels.

Eppendorf Conical Tubes 15 mL and 50 mL

“One for all”

A high purity grade makes the tubes suitable for sterile cell applications as well as for nucleic acid applications:
› sterile & pyrogen-, DNase-, RNase-, and DNA-free (human & bacterial)
› lot-individually tested and certified

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